Kheema without fat 500 gms
Chana dal (washed and soaked in water for
½ hour) 2 tbsp.
Garlic flakes 10 nos.
Ginger 1" piece
Garam masala 1 tsp.
Elaichi 2 nos.
Dalchini pieces 2 nos.
Lavang 3 nos.
Dhania jeera powder 1 tsp.
Pepper A pinch
Chili powder 1 tsp.
Kothmir and Pudina chopped A handful
Egg 1 nos.
Lemon juice ½ no.
Onion minced 1 nos.
Oil/Ghee For frying
Salt To taste


1. To the washed and drained kheema,
add the chana dal, sabut masala, 1cup
warm water, salt to taste and then cook
till dry.
2. Remove from heat and add ginger,
garlic, pepper, chili powder, dhania and
jeera powder. Grind to a fine paste and
then form into dough.
3. To the minced onion, add the finely
chopped pudina, kothmir, lime juice and
salt to taste.

4. Beat the egg lightly. Divide the dough
into lemon- sized balls.
5. Flatten each ball in the palm of your
hand and stuff with a little of the onion
6. Shape into a kabab and dip in the
beaten egg. Shallow fry till it turns color


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