Yogurt,sour 2 cups
Jaggery 2 tbsp.
Bengal gram flour 2 tbsp.
Ginger 1" piece
Curry leaf stalks 2-3 nos.
Coriander leaves ½ cup
Green chilies 2 nos.
Salt To taste
For Tempering :
Cinnamon 1" piece
Cloves 5 nos.
Fenugreek seeds 1/ 4 tsp.
Cumin seeds ½ tsp.
Asafoetida powder ¼ tsp.
Oil 1 tbsp.
1.Whip the sour yogurt and add enough water to obtain a pouring consistency.
Add gram flour to it and set aside.
2.Scrape the ginger and finely chop and slit green chilies into two and set aside.
3 Chop the jaggery, wash and chop the coriander leaves and set aside.
4.To the yogurt mixture add the chopped ginger, the jaggery and salt to taste.
5. Heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds, cumin seeds and curry leaves. Add slit
green chilies and asafoetida. Add the yogurt mixture and stir constantly till it boils.
6. Cook on slow flame for 5-8 minutes.


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